Spiritual Life

Spiritual Life

The Family that Prays Together Stays Together.

We hear this phrase all the time, but what does praying as a family actually look like?  How can we turn our hearts to God when our kids are turning to screens, fighting with each other, or using their rosaries as weapons? (and not just spiritual ones!)

If this sounds like your family, then be assured that this situation is perfectly normal!  But that doesn’t mean that you can’t make the spiritual life of your home an intentional, vibrant part of your family culture.  As a matter of fact, parents must do this to fulfill the mission that God has given them.  The church is very clear – parents are the first “heralds of the gospel” for their children.  And that role is absolutely essential.

3 Min Listen

The Spiritual Life of the Family

On this page you’ll find resources that help you realize…

      • For our kids to be followers of Christ, we need to be.  They need to see how our faith affects our life.
      • When your child is secure in your love for them, they are going to be more secure in God’s love for them.
      • No youth minister, priest, or teacher can take your place.  Parents are responsible for passing on the faith to their children with the support of others. 
      • After we build a platform of love in our child’s heart, then we can open up to them the treasures of our faith.

Our mission is to empower parents to embrace their sacred calling, and it IS a sacred calling.  This is a calling given to you not by your profession or by the state, but by God himself!  We want to help you step into this role as the first evangelist of your child – and for you to know the love of Christ ever more deeply in your own life. 

52 Min Listen

Why Families Need to Know the Blessed Mother

42 Min Listen

Stories from Saints Alive!

56 Min Listen

Lent and Your Marriage

57 Min Listen

Dealing with Anger

65 Min Listen

Living Beyond Sunday with David and Pamela Niles

51 Min Listen

Do not worry or be anxious

Spiritual Life Program


Pray + Play Challenge

The three most important parts of our family culture are our faith, our marriage and our relationships with our children. Begin this summer making these three elements strong by taking the Play and Pray Challenge. If you are going to PRAY with your family, you need to PLAY with them!

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The 12 Promises of the Sacred Heart

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How to Deal with Our Trauma (so our kids won’t have to!)

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Lenten Reflection #2: God’s Covenant with the Family

Spiritual Life

Welcome to Lent