Partner with Us

Together we can transform family life

Strengthen Families Now!

Join our mission to strengthen the family. Parenting has never been more challenging and with your support, we will equip parents to embrace their sacred calling! Start impacting families today by setting up a monthly recurring gift or a one-time donation.

Your support will allow us to reach thousands of families with our simple but life-changing message. We believe family is worth fighting for. Will you join us?

Thanks to our supporters the ministry is now reaching over 35,000 families each month offering inspiration, encouragement, and practical tools for moms and dads. Monthly we reach thousands through digital resources and hundreds more through in-person retreats and workshops. Our team is only able to serve because we have people like you who invest in this mission.

Since the family is the building block of society, then strengthening the family is the only way back to a strong stable society and a flourishing Church. There is no more important work in the world than supporting families.


Would you consider making a heroic gift to help moms and dads embrace their sacred calling?

Thanks to donors like you we are strengthening families! Interested in becoming a member? Visit the Neighborhood for more information. 

Additional Giving Options:​

For donations by transfer of stock or IRA accounts, planned giving, matching gifts or any donation larger than listed, please contact us directly using our Contact form.

Donate by mail:
The Messy Family Project
117 S. Hollywood Blvd #140
Steubenville, OH 43952

Make sure to include your email when you mail your donation so we can properly track your support and recognize your donation.