

The Foundation of the Family and All of Society

If you want to be a great parent, you need to be an amazing spouse.  This is where the grace for family life comes from – the sacrament of matrimony!  But so often we forget this and couples spend most of their time and energy on their children because their needs are so urgent.  But you can never forget that before you were mommy or daddy, you were a bride and a groom.  

Every couple will have times in which love is a decision.  In those moments we know it is not your love that sustains your marriage, but it is your marriage that sustains your love. We want to share with you relationship tools, stories from other couples, and give you opportunities to focus on your marriage to make it stronger.  Having a vibrant marriage is not always easy, but it is worth it because your marriage matters! 

4 Min Listen

Your Marriage is Always Important

What do we think is important for your marriage? 

  • Unity between couples is the essential element that makes all the difference.  Without it, nothing works.  With it, couples can conquer all the difficulties in the world.  
  • To grow together, you need to be intimate. Learn how to be unveiled with each other – emotionally, physically, and even spiritually. 
  • Communication is key. Making time to sit and talk with your spouse about important issues and learning how to listen are essential skills in marriage.  
  • Relationships are built with the material of time.  Couples must create space in their lives for daily connections, weekly or monthly date night, and a yearly getaway without the children.   
  • When you entered into a covenant relationship with your spouse on your wedding day, God entered into your relationship in a permanent, intimate way.  Turn to Him!  

At the Messy Family Project, we give you the opportunity, tools, and inspiration to grow in love with each other. Take advantage of our downloads, date nights, courses, and our getaways to make your marriage all it can be not just for you, but for your children and even for all of society.

46 Min Listen

Getting on the Same Page

46 Min Listen

Dreaming vs. Fantasizing

42 Min Listen

Dating Your Spouse

68 Min Listen

Family Finances with Jonathan and Amanda Teixeira

88 Min Listen

A Conversation on Intimacy with Dr. Edward & Beth Sri

57 Min Listen

Why Romance is Essential

Date Nights


Date Night with Mike and Alicia

When was your last date night? It’s vital to marriage to keep on dating your spouse, and our date nights make that easy, fun and inspiring. Put the kids to bed, set up the computer in your living room, light the candles, pour some wine, and log on for a virtual date night!

More on Marriage


New Blog Post


Disillusionment: What to do and how to fight it


Arguing with Your Spouse


Praying as a Couple