Family Board Meeting


Create Order, Unity, and Intentionality for Your Family

Families today are pulled in so many different directions. Soccer games, baseball practice, PTO meetings…you name it and we’re engaged in it, leaving a sense of frantic over-commitment.

We want to be intentional about raising our children, teaching and forming them in the values and virtues that are important to our families. But with all the chaos and running around, we fear that it’s impossible to find that intentionality.

We felt the same way years ago and wanted to find a solution.

If you’re like us, when we really needed to:

Forge greater unity in our marriage.
Clarify our vision for our family.
Figure out how to be intentional about what we committed to.
Create a step-by-step plan for our year!

…then the Family Board Meeting is the solution!

The Family Board Meeting , a tool that will give you the time and direction to affirm each other, dream about what you want your family to look like and set concrete goals to make that vision a reality.

You’ll learn how to take charge, to become the chief executive officers of your family. This role is so important in every earthly company, but even more so in the family!

More than ever, our world needs dynamic families, and that only happens when parents are intentional about building a Catholic family culture in their homes. You CAN be intentional about the direction your family is going and about the culture of your home. And the Family Board Meeting course will show you how!

Don’t let another year slip by without taking steps to be a more intentional, unified and peaceful family. Let go of the chaos and take back control of your life.

We want to help you take your marriage and family to a whole new level. This isn’t a marriage retreat, but it is a perfect starting place especially for those couples who may be on different pages regarding finances, faith, or parenting. We can help you start these conversations productively and with unity as the goal!

Live Weekend Course Overview

  • Thursday and Friday are evening only sessions
  • Saturday sessions most of the day
  • Sunday – no live sessions, time for you to wrap up on your own and go to Mass

When you register for our course, you'll get:

  • Dedicated time for you and your spouse to talk about what matters most
  • 5 sessions that will result in a game plan for your family (live but recordings available)
  • An innovative process to a discern and develop a unified vision and focus for your family
  • Digital workbook available for download
  • A private website with resources and forums for questions, support, and discussion
  • Group mentoring and interaction with Mike & Alicia to help you personally
  • And a connection with a special group of parents that will be journeying together

Participants in the USA will be mailed:

A binder of professional materials to simplify and personalize the process (suggested list of resources and digital workbook available for overseas friends)

$25 – Early Bird Discount

Register early to receive this special discount. On payment page enter coupon code: early

$50 – International

We are unable to mail our materials outside of the USA, you will receive a list of recommended items. Enter coupon code: intl

$75 – Members Discount

All members receive a special rate. On payment page enter the unique code listed on the member site (under events). Email us if you can not locate it.

Registration is currently CLOSED. Join our waitlist!

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