

The Secret Weapon of the Catholic Family

Parents come to us all the time worried about the effect of the culture of the world on their kids.  What is a parent to do? We believe the secret weapon of the Catholic family is a dynamic family culture. 

Your family culture is like the operating system in your home. It is an unwritten set of expectations, beliefs, and values that confers identity, belonging, and mission on its members.  It’s more than words – it’s a way of life that communicates what is accepted, encouraged and forbidden more powerfully than any written word. There are five elements of family culture that we encourage you to examine to see how they are communicating in your home the values that you want your children to live by.  Because the culture in your home is so powerful, we need to be very intentional about it. 

3 Min Listen

Family Culture Matters!

Check out our resources to develop your family culture!

      • Create traditions, routines, and habits in your home to powerfully form your children.
      • Give your children experiences of real goodness, beauty, and truth so they will be able to recognize the counterfeits that the world offers. 
      • Learn about the 5 elements of family culture: the family’s spiritual life, marriage, family relationships, development of giftedness, and the “operations” of the home. 
      • Become more intentional about conferring identity, belonging and mission on your entire family!

Although parents aren’t the only ones to affect the family culture, they are the stewards of it in a special way and this is an important task.  Take some time to check out the downloads, blogs and podcasts here to help you be more intentional and live your family life to the full!

45 Min Listen

Game Night!

56 Min Listen

Family Culture Focus: Holidays

59 Min Listen

The Working Genius for Your Family

45 Min Listen

Fall Family Reset 2022

62 Min Listen

Dinner Conversation with Fr. Leo Patalinghug

58 Min Listen

A Living Legacy – the Role of Grandparents in the Family

Family Courses


Family Board Meeting

We want to take your marriage and family to a whole new level. This isn’t a marriage retreat, but it is a perfect starting place especially for those couples who may be on different pages regarding finances, faith, or parenting. We can help you start these conversations productively and with unity as the goal!

More on Family


How to Have Successful School Mornings


Do Family Dinners Matter?


Grandparents and Their Sacred Calling


Messy Families are Holy Families