Messy Family University


What if we did family life differently?

Join Mike and Alicia Hernon, from the Messy Family Project, for their signature course for parents. Gain wisdom, inspiration, and practical tools that will help strengthen your family. The course will include four sessions to equip and empower parents to embrace their sacred calling, mainly focusing on sharing the practical tools needed to not just survive but thrive as a family. This course is designed to open parents up to God’s vision for marriage and family and teach them the habits that they need to transform their family life. It is part marriage renewal, part parenting course and part retreat.

Parenting Retreat: What is Covered

  • Parent’s secret weapon – how to grow a dynamic family culture
  • How to step more fully into your role in forming your children
  • Why and how to make your marriage the foundation of the family
  • And how to become the spiritual leaders of your home

Ready to go deeper?

May 2023

New test event

April 2022

Chris & Natalie Stefanick

Real Life Marriage

October 2021

Jeff & Emily Cavins

The Bible & The Family

Sign up below to join us!

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Bring MFU to your parish

Parenting Retreat

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