

What is Cana 90?

This Lent and Easter, why not walk on the path of holiness that God has laid out for you already? Parents and spouses are first called to love and sacrifice within their own homes, so we designed Cana90 to challenge families to become more of who God is calling them to be: communities of life and love. We will help you choose commitments of prayer, fasting, and mercy that turn your heart towards your family. Daily emails will keep you focused and inspired. Activities will draw you deeper into relationship with your spouse and children.

Christ began His public ministry by celebrating a marriage: how would He want couples to celebrate Lent? Allow Christ to transform your water into wine; transform your ordinary marriage and family into the extraordinary. This is what Cana90 is all about. We will walk with you for the 90 days of Lent and Easter to encourage and support your marriage and family life. Let us begin again together this Lent.

Are you interested in joining Cana90? Sign up below so we can pray for you by name, help you to stick with it, and share some encouragement as we journey together.

Join us Ash Wednesday 2024!

Be sure to come back before Lent 2024 to join us on Cana 90.