Free Resources Designed For You

Busy moms and dads need simple ideas, tips and plans to help navigate the messiness of family life. We’ve created resources on marriage, parenting and family culture based on feedback from couples and parents like you. They’re meant to inspire you, provide insight and give you simple tips that you can implement when you need it – NOW! We always make an effort to keep these resources simple, practical and FREE! As you use these resources, feel free to contact us with questions and feedback. We really love hearing from you!

  • Family
  • Marriage
  • Parenting
  • Spiritual Life
Growing Your Family Culture Family Board Meeting Guide


Growing Your Family Culture

Many families feel directionless, like they’re struggling with what’s important enough to be emphasized daily in their homes. What they need is an intentional family culture! A family culture is a powerful construct that communicates who you are as a family unit. It is the unspoken expectations, beliefs, and values of your family that shape the individuals within the home. But how do parents build a healthy family culture? Our Family Culture Guide outlines the elements of a solid family culture and encourages you to explore what’s important to your family with a worksheet that couples can do together.


Family Board Meeting Guide

Your family is like a tiny corporation - with two presidents and a bunch of members (ahem, kids), common goals and values that inform what you do! And just like any business corporation, planning is essential in ensuring you’re on the right path toward your goals! That’s why we’ve developed the Family Board Meeting, when couples come together to affirm each other and dream a little, to make goals and plan for success. This guide will help get you started in your own meeting, to assess where you are and begin making plans for how to get to where you want to be.

Mini Marriage Check In Physical Intimacy Communication in Marriage


Mini Marriage Check In

Your marriage is the core of your family. Without it, your family wouldn’t exist. So to say it needs to take priority is an understatement! In this 3-part guide, we’ll walk with you over a few weeks to help you take stock of your marriage, improve your communication and deepen your unity.


Physical Intimacy

Intimacy can be tough to talk about, even when everything is going smoothly! And when it’s not so smooth, that tension can spill into the rest of your marriage and family life. This guide is designed to give you an icebreaker to work with, to assess where your physical intimacy is at and help you talk it through with your spouse.


Communication in Marriage

Your communication is off in your marriage but you’re not entirely sure what to do about it? We’ve all been there! As unique human beings, you and your spouse are bound to communicate differently. Our guide is designed to help you assess where your marriage’s communication is and gives you prompts to work on it together!

Screens & Your Child Screens Tip Sheet Sibling Relationships Parenting As a Team Discipline Guide The Messy Family Guide to Discipline


Screens & Your Child

Back when Apple and Blackberry were just fruits, parenting was a lot easier, wasn’t it? Part of the vocation of parenting is teaching children the important skill of using technology without being used by it. We believe parents are the best teachers and that you can teach your child how to use technology responsibly! The Lord has given the grace and tools for parents to wrestle with even the most invasive of technologies. This Screens and Your Child Guide will challenge you to assess how you and your kids are managing screens and walk you through creating a plan that will work for your family.


Screens Tip Sheet

Access to screens is a hot topic in most parenting circles - from timers to when to introduce cell phones - it’s tough to figure out what’s right for your family. The reality is that screens are neither good nor bad - it’s all in how you use them - and they’re not going anywhere! This tips sheet will give you a guidelines and encouragement as you navigate helping your children to use technology responsibly.


Sibling Relationships

One of the greatest gifts we can give our children is a sibling! But one of the greatest frustrations for parents is keeping siblings from fighting all day! This is a huge challenge but the effort we put into fostering strong relationships between our children is worth it. This tips sheet is full of reminders for parents on how to encourage these vital - but tricky - relationships.


Parenting As a Team

Parenting is a tough job. Not being on the same page as your spouse can make it so much harder! Parents all come from different backgrounds and have different upbringings so we’re bound to have different perspectives on parenting. These differences are not just something that should be respected, instead they should be embraced because they are of God’s design! Our Parenting as a Team resource is a worksheet for each parent to fill out and discuss together so you can find the way to parent as a team that works for you!


Discipline Guide

Are you struggling to manage your kids or feeling lost in how to inspire virtue in your children? We can’t make any promises but we believe that we have something that can help! Our Discipline Guide was designed with parents like you in mind, parents who desire to form their children’s character but need some guidance and encouragement. This guide will give you perspectives and principles to discuss with your spouse, suggested podcasts to listen to on discipline topics and a worksheet to help you address any issues you’re seeing with your children.


The Messy Family Guide to Discipline

DIY Family Retreat Guide

Spiritual Life

DIY Family Retreat Guide

Are you looking to be intentional about family time and with teaching the faith but don’t know where to start? Start with a family retreat! Implementing a yearly family retreat dramatically changed our family, bringing us closer together (yes, even the teenagers!) and encouraging communication between parents and children. In our Family Retreat Guide, we walk you through everything from how to put on your own retreat to what to do with your littles during time for the older kids.