
How to Parent When You are Exhausted

“You know that feeling you get after a good night’s sleep?
Yea, me neither.”

– Every Parent Ever

If you feel like you are living in a state of almost constant exhaustion, you are not alone.  It’s not just the sleepless nights and crazy days – that’s a reality that parents have always had to deal with.  We believe parents are more exhausted today because  there are certain elements of our culture that do drain our energy more than parents in the past experienced. In this podcast, we pinpoint those elements so you can see them, recognize them for what they are, and learn how to manage them.  You do not have to be worn down all the time!  Managing the stressors of parenting is possible and hopefully we can help you with these tips and tricks!

Play and Pray Challenge –

Catholic Couples Getaway –

Watch here –

Check out this episode!