
I Hate Being a Parent (sometimes)

Family communion can only be preserved and perfected through a great spirit of sacrifice. – St. John Paul II

Let’s be honest.  Parenting is hard. Some studies have shown that up to 18% of American parents regret having children.  Though that statistic may not be completely true, it does show a growing number of people who don’t just struggle with being a parent, but actually resent it.  We need to talk about this!  It is good to acknowledge those feelings, but parents need to then move through those feelings, be curious about them, and make sure they don’t get stuck there.  In this podcast, we talk about why people may feel this way and what to do about it.  Our mission is to empower parents to embrace their sacred calling and we can’t do that without meeting parents where they are at.  For those parents who struggle with this job – we hear you and you are welcome here.  Listen in and join the conversation.

Check out our blog post on this topic:  Help! I Hate Parenting My Kids (Sometimes)