Find Healing in Marriage

We all walk into marriage as broken people. No one is perfect and will carry their imperfections into their relationships. There is nowhere else that our imperfections come to light more clearly than in marriage.

Marriage and family life is like a magnifying glass, a mirror held up in front of us that allows us to see our brokenness and imperfections, maybe for the first time. It can be difficult and extremely uncomfortable to have our imperfections displayed so obviously, but in the midst of a marriage, it can also be an amazing healing experience.

Finding healing in marriage can seem like a huge mountain to climb, especially while we’re trying to raise kids, keep the house semi-clean and not let the laundry pile up too high.

But our God is a BIG One, whose plan for marriage is just as big. Our Lord desires us to have whole marriages and to be fulfilled within them. He brings people into our lives for a reason and that includes your spouse and children. He intends to use marriage for good, especially when we need healing.

It’s possible to find healing in marriage, we just need to be open to it.


Being Open to Healing

Our spouse can be a wonderful source of joy and healing in our lives if we’re open to allowing God to work through them.

But we first need to share our brokenness with our spouse.

We have to be vulnerable if we want to find healing in marriage. It will take courage and trust on both sides, but vulnerability in a good marriage will only bring about a deeper connection. That deeper connection is where healing happens.


Trust in the Lord and in Your Spouse

If we truly desire to find healing in marriage, to be healed and be whole, then we will have to trust. This might seem like a big risk to you, but when we trust in both our spouse and the Lord, healing can happen.

Trusting in both the Lord and your spouse will take practice and prayer. But when we really are able to lean on them, we’ll have the space for healing to occur in us.


Allow Professionals to Help

If you’re struggling to be vulnerable with your spouse when it comes to areas that need healing, it might be a good idea to seek professional help.

A good counselor can help you bring down walls and be open with your spouse on tough topics. They can help you facilitate conversations around difficult topics and give advice on how to move forward.

They aren’t there to do the work for you, but to act as a mediator between you and your spouse.

We aren’t designed to do things alone, so if you need help, reach out!

God designed marriage to help us get to heaven, to bring us healing, joy and love in this world. It won’t always be easy – it’s definitely a cross! – but when we work hard and allow ourselves to be vulnerable, healing and wholeness can happen!


We talked about this topic in our most recent podcast episode, which you can find here!

Join us for a Catholic couples getaway in Cozumel, Mexico next year! You can find all the details for the trip right here.